New Responsibilities, New Playlist & New Projects?



Jumping head first into the deep end with my eyes open and body flat out is literally how Year 10 has begun. The feeling you get after you do a belly flop. It hurts quite a bit and then leaves you with a really weird fuzzy feeling...

Starting Year 10 has been a major shock to my system. There have been so many responsibilities thrown on me and I have had to deal with them all at once. For exapmple:

All my GCSEs have started.
Duke Of Edinburgh Award (3 months Volenteering, 3 months Physical, 6 months Skill)
Sports Leader Award
Goop (Dance Company at school)
Rock Challenge (English Dance competition for schools)
Work Experience placements needs to be sorted

And on top of that I feel like I am not putting as much effort into my blog posts for my blog and the ones that I guest blog for. The feeling of not succeeding - not even that just having the time and energy.

Despite all these things I know that this year will bring some amazing experiences and no matter how stressful they are it will pay off.


Now as it is a new month and a new setting (school etc) I wanted to update my playlist on sound cloud... It's mainly made up of 5sos songs but they are bae.

Hopefully this 1hr 20min playlist will get you through school... it helps me a lot ;)


This is where it all starts to get interesting. I wan't you to get involved. If any of you reading have any suggestions for posts please let me know. I love to listen to your opinions on things. At the end of the day I want to be able to share things that you are interested in.

I also aim to do loads of media projects for my blog. Over the next month or so I will be revamping the look of my blog and title so look out for that. For any other updates follow me on my social networking sites (in a tab at the top) and my twitter. I am on twitter so much that it will be easy to get in touch with me (@anna__nicholls)

Thank you for all being the best! I am currently writing a new post to go up on friday at around 7. Again I am sorry for the late posts, I just need to get my head around a few things but when I get back on track I will be posting every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday about my irrelevant thoughts.

Have a lovely evening. 

Keep you head, heels and standards high. ALWAYS. 

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