GCSE Thoughts...
Hello, from a very wet and miserable London!
Today's post that comes to you today is about my GCSE options and general thoughts about my future.
If you don't know;GCSEs are British qualificantions that you take at the end of high school (Yr 11 or aged 15/16). At my school you pick 3 different subjects that you like to sudy for the last 2 years of school, along side the main subjects: Mathmatics, English, Double Science, Philosophy and Ethics, PSCHEE and P.E. This week I will have to do the very dawnting task of picking my options and pertentially making a lot of pathways for my future.
I am thinking of taking:
History or Geography
Dance or Sports Science
Photography or Buisness Studies
The main point is that it doesn't matter what your friends take, what your parents say if you want to do it... DO IT! You will always be good at the things that you love. You only live once... use that to drive you to be the best you can be and believe in your dreams!
Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game! - A Cinderella Story
If anyone has any advice or has taken these subjects please feel free to let me know by commenting below! And if you would like me to write an updated version of my GCSE thoughts and please let me know!
Thanks for reading!
Love ya xx