New Years Goals NOT Resolutions


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe it's the last day of the year!

It's that time again where the annoying use of the phrases "new year, new me", "new year, same sh*t", "page 1 of 365" and "2015, please be good for me" start floating around on social networking sites. 

This year has been amazing, just like any other. I have done some cool things like meeting David Cameron (not that I am very fond of him at all), I have made a ton of new friends and overall just really enjoyed myself. 

One thing, that occurs every single year, is the question: What are your New Years resolutions? 

Well let me answer that one for you now. This year, just like the last 15 years of my life, I am not setting resolutions. Why? you may ask. Well for the simple fact that, I NEVER stick to them. Honestly, I do not know of anyone who has actually stuck to their New Years resolutions. 

However, I am not just going to declare that I dislike resolutions and not give an alternative because frankly... that would make a rubbish blog post. 

Instead of resolutions, I am setting myself goals. Goals for 2015 and they go as followed: 

  • To build my online community, connecting with more amazing people across the world, through my blog and YouTube channel. 
  • To become more organized, with not only my work, but my thoughts as well.
  • To inspire someone, whether that is a tiny little thing or a big thing. 
There are many more things I wish to accomplish throughout next year however these are the basics. I think that Goals make you want to reach them whereas resolutions give you the temptation of breaking them.

I want to wish you all a  HAPPY NEW YEAR. I love you all more than you will ever know. Cheers for being awesome. 

What are your Goals for 2015? 

Screw them - stay you
cus you are rad

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