
6:46 - running down to the sea shore, last week, I realized that sunrises are always more positive than sunsets.

Predominantly, I was thinking that I hadn't done any form of serious exercise for over two weeks, making me contemplate whether this run was really worth it, as I struggled to breathe. However, as I got to the sea shore, I smiled. I had planned to wake up early the night before to catch the sun rise over the sea in the south and it was defiantly worth it.

6:49 - I had missed it but was still running.
6:52 - It still looked stunning, none the less.

I walked down the slope onto the sand and sat on the planks of wood that would host beach huts in the summer. Despite not normally being a morning person, I was one that day.

I learnt two things that morning:
1) If you put your mind to something, you can do it by simply DOING IT.
2) The sunsets every evening, ready to rise again the next morning.

It does this 365 days a year, allowing you to rise with it. A cloudy sky didn't prevent me from taking beautiful images therefore, a clouded mind or vision for your future doesn't mean that it won't be beautiful and bright. Being in a dark place isn't the end of the road as stars can only shine once the sun has set (apart from the sun for those science geeks). I think it's important to remember that no one will be constantly happy but by appreciating the small details that make up the world - it makes it all more bearable.

Back in London - the views are still beautiful. This furthers my point about the darkness still being part of the beautiful picture.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram or Twitter where I can look at some of your pictures.
Hope you've had a good week.


Love Anna x

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