Ripping Up My Log...


At the start of Yr 7 I started to write in a log as I found that was the easiest way to get out my anger and hurt - by scribbling everything down onto a page. I thought that this would also help me in later circumstances where I was feeling hurt or angry and look back to see if my actions then would help me resolve things now. Honestly, at the time it was a good idea. I felt like this book of lined paper understood me -like it had all my hurt in one place.

Yesterday, I was searching for my log. Not because I wanted to write in it, it was because I actually wanted to get rid of it. Even though this book 'understood me' over the past 3 years, I just wanted it to disappear. I didn't want to ever look back at it.  I wanted to forget and forgive what had happened. Looking back I just realized how terrible people are in their young teenage years; getting into stupid arguments that you thought meant the end of the world at the time where as now it really doesn't matter. Reading back through it briefly actually made me laugh so much.

So I ripped it up...

ft. my brothers Man U bowl

Ripping up the negatives of the past has made me happy. Just the thought of all the horrid comments I wrote in there makes me feel sick. It worked though. I should have just got rid of it quicker. Maybe if I wrote in it, then later the same week I burnt it - that would have been better then storing them away. If anyone has any other suggestions of what to do when your angry or upset then please feel free to leave them below we all need a way of dealing with things. 

My other ways of dealing with hurt and anger: 

- Turn my laptop on and read imagines about 5sos
- Watch the boys' keeks
- Put my music on really really load and just ignore the world
- Eat food (mainly ice cream) 
- Sleep

I hope you have had a lovely tuesday. 

I know that I'm a day early with a post - I'm heading south to Brighton tomorrow and I have no idea what time I'm going to get back however I wanted a mid week post to go out. So just in case here is an extra one.

Oh how I wish Luke was my boy :( 
Adios Penguins 
omgg tho noo Luke will never know me... 
They sing about helping heartbreak girls but they are the ones breaking my heart...

Moving on..

Hopefully I will see Zoe and Alfie in Brighton tomorrow!! 

okay i need to snap back into reality.


Oh and thanks a lot for the 3,214 page views and all the new followers
It means the world! 

Ok I need to go for real now and stop talking...


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